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BELSIL® DM 0 65 is a colorless, clear fluid of low viscosity and high
volatility. It is non-polar and insoluble in water but miscible with alcohols, esters, and other solvents frequently utilized in cosmetics. Due to its low heat of vaporization, BELSIL® DM 0 65 evaporates from the
skin without producing a cooling or stinging effect. evaporates rapidly and without residues.
BELSIL®DM0 65是一种无色透明液体,粘度低,粘度高,挥发性。 它是非极性的并且不溶于水,但可与化妆品中常用的醇,酯和其它溶剂混溶。 由于其低蒸发热,BELSIL®DM0 65蒸发皮肤没有产生冷却或刺痛的效果。 快速蒸发,无残留物。